Drama & Performing Arts

Who are we?

Head of Department – Mr J Turner

Teacher – Miss C Reason

Curriculum Intent

Students will be engaged in learning about drama from a range of different periods, genres and cultures.  

Students in drama will work collaboratively to devise, perform and appraise performance work and through this process will gain skills in self-confidence, communication, listening, co-operation, concentration and self-control.  

We are passionate about providing an enriching and exciting range of extra-curricular opportunities such as drama club and the whole school productions. As well as students developing their knowledge and skills in the classroom, they will also have opportunities to watch live professional performance work.  

We strive to develop students’ creativity and knowledge, while also developing their insight into the importance of drama as powerfully connected to notions of heritage and identity.  

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map

Click here to view the department curriculum map.

What do we do?

​Drama and Performing Arts is an action packed, fun, creative and challenging department.

Lessons take place in our dedicated theatre, where students make use of professional lighting, sound and visual production equipment.  Through drama, young people are given opportunities to express and manage their thoughts and feelings, responding to a wide range of issues and situations. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively whilst participating in a variety of shared experiences.

We offer opportunities for students at all levels to extend their learning and enjoyment of drama beyond the classroom, ranging from after-school clubs to whole school productions and theatre visits.

A day in the life…

In engaging and fun lessons, students learn drama techniques to develop their skills in expressing and exploring ideas and concepts.

A typical lesson at Key Stage 3 will explore one of four key areas – storytelling, historical context, styles of drama, social issues – and students will devise and perform their work to an audience of their peers.

At Key Stage 4 students study the BTEC Performing Arts Programme, developing their acting skills, including performing scripted work by professional playwrights and their own devised work. Students also have an opportunity to develop other skills in the performing arts industry, including dance, singing and stage production.

What career?

Students with a qualification in Performing Arts may go on to study the subject in further education, leading to a range of future career opportunities including: broadcast presenter, actor, dancer, theatre director, theatre stage manager, artistic director, lighting technician, singer, set designer, sound engineer.

Studying Drama and Performing Arts helps to develop a wide range of transferable skills essential to progression and success in life including confidence, presenting skills, ability to work effectively as part of a team, critical thinking and the opportunity to work creatively.



Students have access to and use a range of sampled marked (and verified) assessment material so that they are fully aware of how to achieve the criteria for each unit of work.

Assignments used at KS4 have been designed by the exam board, creating consistency in the work that we are producing, making sure that we are in line with other schools nationally that are studying dance and drama performing arts.

Lessons are planned to allow for consistent challenge for all learners – making sure that through devising, performing and responding to work students are ready for the transition from KS3 to KS4.

Closing the Gaps

Students are given opportunities to develop their performance skills in school clubs and whole school productions that are linked to the schemes of work and therefore allow them to achieve the highest range of marks in their assessments.

We take the students to the theatre to see live professional performance work and invite professional performance companies into school to perform to help inspire, motivate and model excellence in the work to our students.

Underperforming students are highlighted through teacher, peer and self-assessment in all schemes of work. At each data collection, strategies & next steps are put in place make sure of progress.

The curriculum is tailored to allow students to specialise in different performing arts disciplines at KS4 so that they can excel in either dance, acting, musical theatre or performing arts production dependant on their needs.

More emphasis will be placed on evaluating performance skills and setting targets at KS3 through regular milestone reviews. This is to prepare students for the changing courses and specifications at KS4.

KS4 students are given the opportunity to attend after school catch up sessions weekly that are tailored to the individual needs of the units studied.


We use extra-curricular provision to create opportunities to perform to the external community such as: talent shows, whole school musicals and school celebration evenings.

We feature our hard-working students work through the school social media and at award’s evening to showcase talent and hard work.