
Who are we?

Head of Department – Mr G Murphy

Second in Department – Mrs S Alam 


Teachers – Mr N Iqbal, Mr R McDonald, Mr P Nugent, Mr S Sheikh, Mr R Siddique, Mr M Steer

Curriculum Intent

Mathematics is not abstract, it is the root of the world. 

We aim to develop confident and independent mathematical thinkers. Students will follow small steps to help create the ‘big picture’ leading to mastery of a skill. 

Students will be challenged at all stages of their mathematical journey by applying their skills and knowledge in contextualised ways. Enrichment opportunities will be given, throughout their journey, to enhance their understanding of the curriculum. 

Mathematics at North Huddersfield Trust School aims to develop resilient learners who can solve both routine and complex problems. 

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map

Click here to view the department curriculum map.

What do we do?

Over the course of Key stage 3, students develop their mathematical fluency and reasoning. They start the year by focussing on number work to establish a strong grounding around how numbers work and interact.  As each year progresses, the students will further enhance this numerical fluency through algebra, geometry and measure, probability and statistics. Students are assessed at various points throughout the year; as well as using test papers to review progression, students will also work on investigative, problem solving tasks.  We aspire to inspire our students to work mathematically, develop their thinking skills and their ability to work effectively, both in groups and on their own.

At Key Stage 4, students study a two year GCSE course and follow the Edexcel syllabus with a final GCSE examination at the end of Year 11. Students are encouraged to work both collaboratively and independently to ensure that have a good understanding of the concepts covered. They are assessed through mock examinations taken both in class as well as in a ‘real’ exam setting.  They are also assessed through tasks that develop problem solving skills that are increasingly prevalent in the final examination.

A day in the life…

Maths is found everywhere and we aim to encourage students to see this through the lessons they receive and the varied tasks that take part in. Lessons will try to provide real life examples of how each topic is used in the ‘real’ world, away from the classroom. Students are actively encouraged to work collaboratively to solve problems and explain how they found their solutions; this may be through discussion, the use of mini whiteboards or on giant square paper!  We want the subject to be enjoyable, without losing the focus on ensuring that each student achieves their potential.



All students are challenged mathematically in every lesson through well planned lessons.

Key assessment points are used to track the impact of the teaching and learning on the progress of students.

Challenge questions are used to allow students varied opportunities to extend their individual understanding.

Students will use a wide range of mathematical instruments and are expected to have a range of these.

Closing the Gaps

Identification of underperformance in key skills, both groups of leaners and individuals, is quickly identified. This allows timely intervention to be used to ensure all students have grasped the understanding.

Revision guides and revision workbooks are used by students to manage their own weaknesses.

Higher Level Teaching Assistants are used to provide additional support to individuals and groups of learners at both key stage 3 and 4.

Revision/intervention sessions after school and on Saturdays support key students make at least expected progress.


Support parents in their mathematic skills.

This then supports the wider community as well.

Work with the partner primary schools to support mathematical teaching as well as offer mathematical sessions to KS2 students as part of the transition program.

Budget planning tasks are used to provide life-long skills.

Parents of students studying maths at NHTS will be offered opportunities to improve their own Maths skills with the aim of supporting their children at home.