Year Group Information








All staff please ensure you have read the below message

Please can I reiterate again the need to check before coming through the mag locked doors into reception.  We have had several more incidents recently.  We’ve also had an unpleasant incident where an aggressive parent gained access to reception and was abusive to staff.  This reiterates the importance of not letting people through the front door as this individual was already banned from our school site.


Our safeguard protocols are meaningless if we do not follow safeguards that are in place.  If in doubt about the reasons for an unaccompanied child being at the front of school, check through the main office window and see if they should be there.  I can only apologise if it means you are delayed for a few seconds whilst this is checked, but it is important we don’t simply accept the student’s version of events.


Again, please take a quick glance over your shoulder to check you are not being followed by a child and also please do not buzz people in through the front door unless it is your guest and you are waiting.  Reception and the main office have full CCTV coverage of all front of school areas and must remain in control of this space.


If reception staff aren’t immediately available please assist the team and make them aware there are visitors to be dealt with at the front door.


Any issues please see Matt in the first instance.